Questions we’re asked the most

Here are some of the questions we’re asked most frequently. If the answer isn’t here then feel free to contact us and we’ll try to help.

What if I need to cancel my booking?

Please see our terms and conditions when making a booking.

Is there disabled access?

We are hoping to provide disabled access in the future, please contact me for further details.

What type of refreshments are included?

You will have access to cold drinks, tea, coffee and biscuits during your workshop but you’ll need to bring your own packed lunch for day classes.

Can I pay by BACs?

Yes you can, please call 07804 347992 for details.

Can I pay by cheque?

Yes you can but you will not be able to attend your booked class until the cheque has cleared.

When will I receive my workshop information?

We usually aim to send information regarding your workshop by email to you five working days before the date of your class.